PiP News – September 2020

  • Post published:September 15, 2020

Partners in Performance (PiP) would like to reach out to our past and current grant recipients during these challenging times.Midori, Founder and President of PiP states: “The arts have survived many past trials and disasters, both natural and caused by humans, and while I do not doubt that music will resound ever more powerfully when the world is ready for it again, I am sure you will agree that the last several months have been difficult for all of us— administrators, artists, supporters, organizers, and others. Many of us wonder what will happen to the coming season, if it takes place at all, and what the New Normal will look like at the point at which the pandemic is considered under control.

The PiP Board of Directors thought now that we would really like to connect with the presenters and communities we are working with and have served. As PiP was created with the philosophy of supporting and collaborating with community-minded organizations in America, we would like to continue to work with all of you and be able to offer something positive amidst the negativities surrounding us at present.”

With inputs from local presenters, we would like to formulate our ideas and fold them into specific areas of needs and challenges to be addressed in upcoming seasons. Please stay tuned for more information on how we could reconnect with presenters and communities to keep music alive.